Monday, July 23, 2012

Pattern Review – Easy peasy baby jacket

Late last year my grandmother came to visit for the arrival of my cousin’s first baby. I was so happy to have her visit, as I hadn’t seen her in three years, and since I was a few weeks pregnant, I was excited to be able to share the news with her in person. Once we announced the pregnancy, my grandmother wasted no time in sourcing needles and wool, and began making a variety of beautiful cardigans/jackets, a pullover, a jumpsuit, and even a teddy bear for Froggie. During her stay, my grandmother and I would sit, knit (I would crochet), and chat, and for the first time in my adult life, I got to have some real special one-on-one time with a grandparent. I loved spending this quality time with her, and look forward to the day that I can do it again. So it was while I watched my grandmother make these woollen items, I decided that I needed to knit something more substantial than just the bubba booties.

I’d read about the Bendigo Woollen Mills on this blog, so I went to their website and bought this awesome baby wool:

And here is what I made:

The pattern is from Patons Quick & Easy Baby Knits #6000 (the only knitting book I own!), and as the title suggests, was very easy. It wasn’t a quick knit for me, but that’s because I am not yet a super fast knitter, but I’m sure I will get there. I just love the stone colour of the wool, and I love how it feels. I added orange buttons to the jacket, as that’s all I had on hand, and I think they look great, adding a pop of colour to the jacket. Here are the details on ravelry. I can’t wait for Froggie to get bigger so that he can wear it, he will be gorgeous in it I’m sure!

When I was at my parent’s house recently, I noticed that one of Mum’s gossip magazines came with a knitting booklet, so I think I’ve found inspiration for my next knitting project!

xoxo Bronwyn

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I *heart* mail

I can’t believe Froggie is almost seven weeks old.

The time has flown by so fast that I’m already feeling the first (of many I’m sure) guilt pangs when it comes to my baby.

My first feelings of guilt come from photos.

I feel like maybe I haven’t taken any good enough photos. And I’ve been feeling really guilty about it, especially since I was on a six week c-section healing house arrest. Yes, I do have a digital camera (non dSLR), but these photos just don't seem to be good enough, *sigh*. But with Froggie growing bigger everyday, and losing his newborn features at en exponential rate, this tells me I need to make taking photos a priority, pronto!

One thing that I have been doing (while not taking photos of my baby), in between feeding, sleeping, changing nappies and play time, is waiting for the door to knock. Or even better, the unexpected door knock. Yes, I have had a lot of lovely visitors (thank you friends!), but the door knocking I’m referring to is the postman. Specifically, the postman who HAS TO knock on your door because he wants to deliver something that won’t fit into the letterbox *smiley face*.

I’ve said it before, but golly, I do love getting parcels in the mail. Check out this stash that came last week:

I haven’t received anything (so far)  in the mail this week *sad face* but I have been waiting for something for a few months now (but I can’t say what it is because he/she might look at this blog post) so I’m hoping it arrives before the end of the week.

Do you like getting parcels too? Leave me a comment on the best thing that has arrived in the mail at your house.

xoxo Bronwyn

P.S. the postman delivered the parcel I've been waiting for, my Mother's Day gift for my mum! Yes, I know Mother's Day was two months ago, and no, I'm not forgetful or slack. I ordered my mum some personalised jewellery at the beginning of April, and after waiting patiently, then not-so-patiently, and then sending some email rage, the parcel(s) finally arrive, and to my surprise, the jewellery company sends me two! (It must be their way of an apology!)
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